
Woodchuck August 5, 2024

Woodchuck August 5, 2024

Wow. It is so crazy to think that just six and a half weeks ago Woody was welcoming nearly 400 campers to The Realm for the 2024 Summer. It has truly been one of our best. We are so thankful to our incredible staff for giving our campers the best summer ever.

Today was the last full day of activities before packing starts tomorrow and boy was it a doozy! This afternoon was GL Swap, one of our traditions here at RobinHood. At lunch, the Group Leaders picked from a hat to see which new group they’d be in charge of for the afternoon. Each group was fired up to hear the news! Highlights included the Foresters walking 3 miles roundtrip to The Spot, the nearest convenience store, the Jesters boating to the marina, and tons of candy canteen.

Before dinner, the groups reunited with their GLs. During the fantastic steak and potatoes meal, we had a big dance party on the stage. Following that, we closed the meal with a weekly favorite, Sunday Sundaes, Monday Edition!

This evening, the groups participated in their final group evening activity. Despite some rain, a couple of groups braved the waterfront and ran camp-favorite games throughout the fields. Several girls camp groups did a time-honored tradition “Snapple Caps,” where each group member writes a kind comment about the other members in their group. What a perfect way to end the summer.

Tomorrow, we will pack, clean, and conduct our final activities. In the evening, we will host Founders and Awards night.

While we are sad that the summer is coming to a close, we are so happy that every camper will return home with new friends, experiences, and having learned how to step out of their comfort zone. We are so proud of each and every kid for being a part of the RobinHood family this year.

Sweet dreams from The Realm!

Woodchuck August 4

Woodchuck August 4

We cannot believe it is the final Sunday of the summer. The last several weeks have been nearly perfect and have flown by. As we’re sure you’ve seen on social media, Green and White was an epic week of competition, sportsmanship, and fun. In the end, the Wild White West came out victorious over the Green Outlaws.

It all started at 7 AM. Over the loudspeaker, Woody announced, “Head to the waterfront! This is it!” Down at the lake, there was a waterski show. For the grand finale, skiiers in green and white costumes formed a pyramid. It was truly incredible! If camp didn’t believe it was the real thing then, a trolley full of judges pulling up to the basketball court was confirmation that it was for real.

There were so many highlights throughout the week. In addition to the fierce battles on the courts and on the fields, the Talent Show was amazing. As always, Color War concluded with Song Night. Each team performed two camp songs as well as two original songs. It was an incredibly tight margin throughout, with ultimately a 58 point victory for White in the end.

Once Woody read the final score, everyone rejoiced! Each camper was so pumped to be back together with their entire group. Yesterday was Lazy Day featuring Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast and a calm morning.

We are getting ready to hear speeches from the Saxons and Scribes who will reflect on their camp career and impart wisdom on the rest of boys and girls camp, respectively. They have both been incredibly helpful, kind, and great role models that our younger campers look up to.

We are looking to finish the summer strong over the next few days! It has been one of the best summers in RobinHood history and we hope to see everyone again next summer.

Sweet dreams from the Realm.

Woodchuck July 27, 2024

Woodchuck July 27, 2024

It is officially fair game in terms of starting Green and White. The Arrows and Lancers returned from their second day of Excursion this afternoon. Now, all of the 18 Excursions have been completed. The Arrows had a fantastic time tubing down the Saco River. Meanwhile, the Lancers were getting after it at paintball. Both groups returned happy, tired, and excited about Green and White.

This morning, we also sent the TPs, Jugglers, Scouts, Tumblers, Scribes, and a few Saxons to a parade! It was the celebration of the 125th year of Old Home Week in Freedom, New Hampshire, where we are so lucky to have our summer home. The boys and girls made RobinHood and kindness signs that they showed off while riding on pickup trucks. We paraded through downtown Freedom while giving out candy and kindness bells. It was quite the spectacle! We met several locals including the parade organizers, the local theatre group, and Miss New Hampshire. After showing Freedom what RobinHood is all about, the junior campers returned to camp for a Beach Party and the flying squirrel!

We were blessed with another gorgeous day, which meant the waterfront was full of laughter and campers all six periods. From the Scouts to the Saxons, every group got some much needed time in beautiful Lake Ossipee.

Dinner is surely going to be full of Green and White anticipation… Could tonight be the night??? Stay tuned…

Woodchuck 7/26

Wow! The Saxons and Scribes ended dinner with a fantastic FAKE BREAK! Everyone rushed up to the barn and then down to the waterfront. Alas, it was not the real thing.

The final four groups left this morning for Excursion. The Quills and Yeomen spent most of the day at Fun Town Splash Town. After the water park, they played a round of mini golf before wrapping up the day at Dairy Queen. It was great to welcome them back this evening.

Meanwhile, the Arrows and Lancers headed off to Canopy Lake Parks. After stopping for breakfast at Dunkin’ Donuts, the campers had a blast at the adventure park. Following the park, the kids were treated to dinner at Chipotle, which they’d been craving. After dinner, it was movie time! At the theater, the groups watched Twisters. Apparently, it is a MUST see.

Back at camp, we had a full, great day of activities. Dinner was exceptional. It was Indian night! We are so lucky to have such an awesome kitchen staff and tonight May have been the best dinner of the summer. As the sun set this evening, we could hear laughter echoing through The Realm during Evening Activity.

Green and White excitement is at an eleven out of ten. Predictions about the break are constant conversations. By this time tomorrow, we may be announcing the counselor captains.

Sweet dreams from The Realm.

Woodchuck July 25, 2024

Woodchuck July 25, 2024

GREEN AND WHITE! GREEN AND WHITE! GREEN AND WHITE! During dinner, Chuck and Yensi zoomed by the dining hall. Everyone rushed out, excited for the potential of the war to start. Alas, it was just a fake break. Well done, Chuck and Yensi!

Green and White fever is certainly heating up. We have heard so many creative ideas about the when, where, and how everything will go down. Has anyone guessed it? Time will tell…

The sun decided to rejoin us today after taking a couple of days off. The waterfront was rocking and the courts were full of competition. It was another great day at The Realm.

Before dinner, we welcomed the return of the Friars, Foresters, and Shires from Excursion. The Friars had an amazing trip. After white-water rafting, the boys sang karaoke, did some shopping, and played some paintball! It’s great to have the boys back, but they had an unbelievable time.

Meanwhile, the Foresters and Shires spend the last few days in Boston. It started off with a Counting Crows and Santana concert, where they played all of the hits. The boys and girls kayaked on the Charles River. After completing a ropes course, they toured the historic Fenway Park! The Forester and Shires also went on duck boats and a duck tour through Boston, which was a big hit.

Tomorrow, the Quills, Arrows, Yeomen, and Lancers are set to go on their Excursion. Unless… Sweet Dreams from The Realm.