
We finally got the rain we needed yesterday and today we sent out our Quills and Bards to Ogunquit for a gorgeous beach day today! We had a most honorable judge visit today with his family and while giving them the tour, it was so amazing to walk around watching all the action on camp. Sailboats flying across the bay, paddleboards, canoes and peddle boats both racing about and some just lazing on the water enjoying the sun. Our water skiers, wake boarders, knee boarders and new banana boat tubers were holding on with pure joy in Lake Ossipee.
The Shires played an intense game of ultimate frisbee – they seemed to be getting ready for Green and White. The Saxons played a great game of volleyball, while the Tumblers tried to mimic last night’s home run derby at the Blitzball field. Dingers were going out left and right!
The Archers were competing on the pickleball courts like they are ready for the US Open! At the homerun diamond, the Arrows and Lancers (at different times) were playing great softball games. As usual, the Yeoman were on the basketball and volleyball court playing like crazy. At the waterfront, the Jugglers were playing waterpolo while the TP’s were bouncing on the
trampoline at Senior Waterfront. Though it was hot, the tennis courts were still very busy today with both clinics and competition (it’s tournament time). There are some new targets up at Archery including a baseball target and a balloon on the turkey which one of the Jester’s popped!
As parents will be coming this weekend, campers have been very excited to introduce them to their counselors and group leaders. There are projects being completed in the woodshop and arts department and lots of goals being met all over camp.
As the sun sets again on Robin Hood, know that kids are happy, exhausted and can’t wait for tomorrow. Sweet Dreams from the Realm.

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